Learn About the Benefits of Laser Spine Surgery at the AASC

Advanced Ambulatory Surgery Center provides outpatient surgical procedures that are convenient, affordable, and of high quality. AASC specializes in spine surgery, orthopedic surgery/procedures, and pain management. At Advanced Ambulatory Surgery Center, laser spine surgery is one of the various procedures performed by our outstanding surgeons. With the advancement of technology and resources, there are several benefits to undergoing laser spine surgery. The term "laser" stands for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation." Instead of using surgical instruments, lasers are used to make incisions (or cuts). 

The benefits of laser spine surgery include:

  • small incision

  • time of procedure

  • recovery time

In addition, you will experience:

  • less blood loss

  • reduced risk of muscle damage

  • reduced risk of infection/post-operative

Whether it is sciatica, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, or any other spine condition that is causing you pain you do not need to suffer the pain. Percutaneous Cervical Disc Nucleoplasty, Percutaneous Laser Discoplasty, and Rhizotomy are all common procedures a patient may undergo.

A blue skeleton showing pain in the spine

Among the many fears associated with surgery is the fear of large incisions and scarring. Laser surgery eliminates the need to make multiple large incisions and manipulate or move surrounding tissue. An endoscope or a microscope is used when by the surgeons when performing this procedure and the incision typically ranges in size from about an inch or less. 

As a result of the small incision, laser spine surgery is much quicker than traditional spine surgery because it does not entail cutting through the muscle. The experience of being in the operating room is much easier when this is the case. Using smaller incisions results in far less damage to muscles and soft tissues than a single long one. Additionally, smaller incisions prevent the risk of infection.

Did you know that doctors at AASC have designed a special minimally invasive approach to performing laser spine surgery that is designed to minimize damages to the surrounding tissues? Subsequently, small incisions and the duration of the procedure lead to much faster recovery times. Rather than spending days or weeks in a hospital and unable to move freely, laser spine surgery allows you to return home the day of your surgery. You can resume daily activities, such as driving, as soon as your second-day post-operation. That is the beauty of our Ambulatory Surgery Center. 

The patient is less traumatized, experiences less pain, and recovers more quickly with laser spine surgery. At AASC, we aim to create a stress-free environment in which our surgeons are able to treat chronic pain while allowing convenience and comfort to their patients at all times. 

Please note that not every patient is a candidate for laser spine surgery. Laser surgery is a good option for patients who suffer from chronic pain conditions for which fusion is not recommended. If you are still wondering if you or a loved one may be a candidate for laser spine surgery give our surgery center a call at (407) 332-9871.

For more information about our facility and/or practicing physicians please visit aascspine.com or give us a call at 407-332-9871, today! 


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