What Is A Coccygectomy?| Advanced Ambulatory Surgery Center

If you or a loved one is experiencing debilitating tailbone pain otherwise known as pain in the coccyx you may consider a coccygectomy if all other treatment has failed. Advanced Ambulatory Surgery Center located in Altamonte Springs is an outpatient surgery facility specializing in minimally invasive procedures.

Coccygectomy procedures are one of the various procedures performed by our practicing physicians. If you want to learn more about what a coccygectomy is, continue reading this blog.

young woman at desk clenching back in pain

A coccygectomy is a very rare procedure where an orthopedic surgeon will remove the coccyx.

If you are experiencing pain in the tailbone when going from seated to standing when experiencing bowel movements, when having sex, or a piercing pain you may be a candidate for a coccygectomy.

Birth defects may also be a reason for a patient undergoing a coccygectomy. According to the National Library of Medicine, coccydynia is more prevalent in female adults than males.

Your physician will be sure to rule out any signs of herniated discs or tumors in the spine before deciding on the coccygectomy.

Coccydynia is normally caused by various direct impacts on the tailbone such as falling. Although it can also become more prevalent with age.

The procedure can either be a partial removal or a complete coccygectomy. Since the procedure is minimally invasive, your surgeon will make a one to two-inch incision over the tailbone.

This procedure involves smoothing the prominent end of the sacrum (the bone which holds the coccyx in place). The operation itself is fairly quick lasting only thirty minutes to an hour – however, the recovery period tends to be much longer as sitting is very difficult.

Most patients who respond increasingly well to pain injections or show the presence of a bursa (fluid-filled sac that lies between the joint and sacrum) experience success during their coccygectomy.

It is extremely important to treat this pain before it continues to worsen and negatively impact your life. Coccydynia has proven to lead to depression if it is left untreated. You may wonder why pain is linked to your mental state but it is due to the physical factors involved such as becoming sleepless, increased cortisol levels, and a decrease in physical exercise.

Male Skeleton emphasizing spinal pain

When going under any surgery, you should be aware of the risks associated such as pain, and infection. swelling, loss of bowel control, nerve damage, and/or injury to the rectum. It is important to understand that the patient may experience pain even after healing from the procedure.

At AASC’s state-of-the-art facility we are committed to excellence in healthcare. For those experiencing persistent tailbone pain, Advanced Ambulatory Surgery Center can provide a clear diagnosis as well as a customized treatment plan that is curated to fit their needs. Give our center a call at (407) 332-9871 or email us info@aascspine.com to inquire more about coccygectomy and the other procedures offered at AASC


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